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Living Composer: Rain Worthington

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

In this Living Composer feature, meet American composer Rain Worthington! Self-taught in composition, her catalogue includes repertoire for many different instrumental groupings, including orchestral works, chamber ensembles, duos, solos and miniatures. Within the world of contemporary classical composition, her work is often categorised as being influenced by world music, minimalism and romanticism.

Prior to learning music notation, Rain experimented on the piano on the occasions when she had access to the instrument, later purchasing one of her own. She began composing and memorising solo piano pieces, and she performed these works in house concerts and music venues around New York. During this time she also performed her ensemble compositions, leading two bands. Her career as a composer grew and developed; her work has now been performed in multiple continents, and she has completed commissions for orchestras and solo performers. She served as Artistic Administrator & Composer Advocate for the New York Women Composers from 2006-2021.

Since 2010, Navona Records has released Rain’s music to critical acclaim. Her music has been referred to as “a fusion of styles" (The IAWM (International Alliance for Women in Music) Journal, Pizzicato, and others) - with diverse influences from different eras, genres, and using a variety of compositional devices. Her albums are available to listen to on all major streaming sites; the most recent release is "Passages Through Time", released in 2022.

Rain's compositions:
  • Balancing on the Edge of Shadows

  • Shredding Glass

  • Within Deep Currents


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Rain's top 5 classical music works:

  • Debussy: Sonata for Violin and Piano in G minor, L.140

  • Debussy: Nocturnes - Nuages

  • Stravinsky: Le sacré du Printemps (The Rite of Spring)

  • Satie: Trois morceaux en forme de poire

  • Almost anything by Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, and Marga Richter!


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